65 answers to “Who am I”?

Who am I?

Is a profound question that most of us throw around in our busy minds at some point in our life. Generally this happens at a time in our life, when we have lost someone, had a relationship break up or a major life upheaval of some description.

When our comfortable and happy lives shatter into confusion, loss and turmoil we seem to lose a sense of who we are, what we want and where we are headed. We can feel totally broken and fragmented, possibly suffering from anxiety, depression, feeling many icky feelings and feeling so disconnected from the person we are.Love

Residing in this space can be a frightening place to be and we wonder if we will ever get our lives back to a sense of normalcy filled happiness, lightness and joy.

The good news though is that in times of darkness and confusion can bring about the biggest epiphanies and changes in our life.

It can shake us to the core but can send with it the gift of journeying deeper into our true selves.

Unwrapping the gift even deeper can highlight our passions and purpose and create such amazing magical moments, if you let yourself stroll authentically through the journey.

It is not for the faint hearted and it can be exceedingly difficult to trudge through the muddy muck of our darkness but hang in there, ride the rollercoaster, be patient and allow yourself to go through and come out the other end.


Twice in my life I have been thrown into the Who am I? debacle. Both related to relationship breakups where I gave too much away, to please someone else and received little in return.

Each time it was a dark and thorny road.  As I went through both I keep asking myself when I would come out the other end, hoping and praying for a pink light at the end of the tunnel.

The second time was a little easier than the first as I had a few more skills in my personal development back pack, but I still struggled to get Lara back.

These sentence starters below helped me to piece back the pieces and also solidly ground into my soul who Lara is.

Diving deep

Sometimes we need to repeat our mistakes and feel our pain before we really learn the lesson. To do this we need to go deeper.

Skimming the surface generally doesn’t highlight the deeper issues and areas that need to be healed.

The same lesson commonly gets sent to you over and over until you learn.

Determining I didn’t want to live the same lesson over again, and suffering the pain it brought. I spent valuable time in the, who am I space.

Once and for all I think I dived deep enough, found the diamonds below and have conquered the issue, or at least a huge part of it.

Having been presented with a similar situation recently, I choose not to get involved and believe I have averted another potential crash and burn.

I honoured myself and valued who I am and what I want and need. I made sure I was pleasing myself and not someone else. I didn’t get the man but I retained my self worth and self love and that’s way more important and fulfilling.

Love dogsPlus, I know I am all about having self love, loving others. being true to myself, following my passion and life purpose of self development and Life in the Pink with its books and other products, dogs and more dogs oh and another dog, yoga and pilates and anything Italian. That’s me in a nutshell.

65 Musings

Below are 65 musings from my book Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness. Use these thoughts to ponder on; they will help you gain a deeper understanding of who you are when you have lost all sense of you.

1.       My family is…

2.       What I would change about my family is…

3.       My current career is…My home is not a home without a dog

4.       What I would change about my career if I had the chance is…

5.       My friends are…

6.       What I would change about my friends is…

7.       I live in…

8.       What I would change about where I live is…

9.       How I act/behave in social situations is…When you lose a dog

10.    What I would like to change about how I act in social situations is…

11.    My favourite social activities are…

12.    The person I love spending the most time with is…

13.    I feel… when I am around this person

14.    My style and dress sense is…

15.    What I would change about my style if it didn’t matter what others thought is…Your paw is my favourite hand

16.    What I do for exercise is…

17.    .  What I would like to add to my exercise routine is…

18.    What I do to relax is…

19.    What I would like to add to my relaxation routine is…

20.    My daily spiritual practice is…

21.    Traits I do not like in others are…

22.    My financial situation is…

23.    If I could change my financial situation I would…Beauty in a city

24.    My body is…

25.    If I could change my body I would…

26.    I am sick and tired of…

27.    For fun I…

28.    My health is…

29.    I would like to improve my health by…

30.    The last time I cried was…Paw print is a blessing

31.    I cry when…

32.    The one thing that makes me really sad is…

33.    I hate it when…

34.    I get angry when…

35.    The last time I got really angry was…

36.    The one thing that makes me really angry is…

37.    I manage my anger by…Love dogs

38.    My worst habit is…

39.    I suffer from exhaustion when…

40.    My energy is drained when…

41.    My energy is uplifted when…

42.    I still feel guilty about…

43.    I have forgiven myself for…

44.    I feel most confident when…Im always here

45.    I feel most insecure when… because…

46.    . I always worry that…

47.    I am scared that…

48.    The last time I felt really anxious was…

49.    I manage my anxiety by…

50.    I feel overwhelmed when…

51.    I always get jealous when…I am enough

52.    I am envious of others when…

53.    … bores me to tears

54.    I really hope that…

55.    When I feel rejected I…

56.    I feel a sense of belonging when…

57.    I get really excited when…

58.    I get really depressed when…

59.    My best assets are…no do overs

60.    My favourite movie is…

61.    The three most fabulous experiences I have had are…

62.    The three saddest experiences in my life were…

63.    I was most hurt when…

64.    My deepest wish is to…

65.    I am happiest when…


I  hope you are on the road to a new and authentic YOU, and that you can now make some more sense out of the question WHO AM I?

If you are like me and want to learn more, continue to read my blogs or visit this link to purchase my new book – Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness. Visit Book Depository here.

Click here, and subscribe to get a copy of my free “13 Life Lessons to Healing” ebook that shares more on loving ourselves and healing.

PS Don’t forget to like me at both my Facebook pages, click on the links below.
1. Facebook In the Pink page
2. Facebook Paws in pink page

With Pink love, thanks and respect Lara and the two cute puppos Suzy and Chelsea. xx

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