Happy New Year!
Welcome to A fabulous Life in the Pink at the start of 2018!
“I inspire others when I am happy”
For me, in Australia its hot and humid and the christmas holidays brings with it lots of fun, sun, beach, waves, water and family. Every year since I was a child the tradition of discarding the flip flops, going barefoot at the beach, running through the hot soft sand till you find the water brings with it a sense of joy, peace and calm that always leaves me with a sense of glowing from the inside out. My thoughts become insignificant and my visceral sense takes over allowing me to live in the moment where no stress or danger resides.
Each step reminds me of my childhood and instantly lowers my stress and prompts me to appreciate each day and live for what is important. It’s a terrific reminder at the start of the year to set ourselves up for our best year yet.
You may run around busy being busy, allowing this to create your sense of importance unknowingly to fill in the voids, avoid the mindless negative chitter chatter and to complete the gaps that appear internally when you try and sit still with yourself.
Being scared of your inner self is a daunting place to reside. Like a haunted mansion your thoughts are only as scary as the energy you give them. Believe there is nothing to fear and no such thing as thought ghosts and you can walk through your haunted house with your head high full of joyful and peaceful thoughts. If and when the negative ones arise you can then choose to watch them float past like the mirage of the ghost not causing any harm, they can’t really touch you unless your allow your mind to engage and believe in them.
Now, going barefoot even has more science behind it and is a researched practice. Earthing, known as walking barefoot through the beach, soil or grass (A natural surface) is now a thing and with it comes surprising benefits.
If you want to increase antioxidants, lower inflammation, sleep better, reduce pain, reduce stress and increase your health benefits, just allow the relationship between your body and the electrons in the earth to heighten and electrify. The planet amazingly has its own natural charge, and when we come into contact with it there are astounding benefits.
Walking along the beach also induces meditative states which research and my own personal experience has seen me to dispel a lot of my type A personality ways and allows me to sit with my thoughts regardless if they are positive and negative. They are only thoughts. They only become a problem once you start to engage in them, believe in them or follow their somewhat crazy train of thought down the rabbit hole to a dark place.
The new year also brings with it a chance to start a new, set new goals, let go of the year behind you, basking in the wonderful newness and exciting opportunities 2018 can bring.
So, shred the flip flops get into nature, set your goals and commit to letting 2018 be your best year yet. You can even throw in a few handstands or cartwheels at the park I am sure the same works for our palms touching the earth. PLAY, have fun life is to short to be to serious.
Become your best friend and stop running after ghosts, live in the moments, with an easeful clutter free mind, a set of naked feet and natural surface to set your world alight.
Because, really what have you got to lose except a fun beach holiday and scorched feet if its a hot day.
Big Pink love Lara and the two gorgeous fur children, Suzy and Chelsea xx
Visit this link to buy my book Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness – Flourishing after a Heartbreak
Saying goodbye A milestone after my Dads death
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100 Secrets to a Life in the Pink