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Category Archives: Emotions

10 tips to reveal life’s little gems!

10 tips to reveal life’s little gems!

Life is jam-packed with shiny, sparkling gems! Their brilliance is amazing and can light up our worlds. They come in many amazing and life changing forms:  profound epiphanies, moments of bliss, special connections with self or others, flashes of clarity, precision with our decisions, problem solving with lucidity or just being in the flow and… Continue Reading

The doors of Italy

The doors of Italy

Ciao from Italia. If you have been following my Facebook page you would know I am in Italy. Beautiful, chaotic, loud, busy, divine Italy. I am soaking up the culture and immersing myself in the Italian lifestyle full of charisma, passion and love. It’s fantastic I am getting grounded amidst the ancient ruins and bonding… Continue Reading

Feel and Heal – Take our quiz

Feel and Heal – Take our quiz

Feeling your feelings is by far one of the quickest ways to move through your pain and suffering and walk straight into healing. Actually feeling those feelings is probably one of the most difficult traits for us as humans to master. The positive emotions bring us happiness, love, hope, joy and contentment and are easy… Continue Reading

The big anxiety buster

The big anxiety buster

Looking to reduce your anxiety, start with the one big anxiety buster and move towards a happier life. Most of the theorists scribe that anxiety is one of the main basic emotions, So, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes you, unfortunately it is here to stay, it is part of the spectrum of human emotions… Continue Reading

Feelings, to face or to avoid?

Feelings, to face or to avoid?

Every day I am presented with reinforcement from top notch authors and gurus around the world, of the small and obvious, yet distressing truth. The only way to truly find peace, joy and inner contentment is to walk through the middle of your pain, feel your icky feelings, express and process them. Too often however… Continue Reading

How self loving am I?

How self loving am I?

Self love is vital to living a fully integrated life. I speak of integration in relation to the mind, body and spirit, operating harmoniously in unison for the benefits of the whole person. “You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make… Continue Reading

The 10 step recipe to cure overwhelm.

The 10 step recipe to cure overwhelm.

Cure overwhelm and create a world of peace and balance, where all your moments are joyful and stress free. The year 2016 and we live in the nation of overwhelm. Every time we turn around there is new software, something to back up, documents to download another chore to be done, a bill to pay, exercise… Continue Reading

4 Tips to instantly reduce your anxiety

4 Tips to instantly reduce your anxiety

The anxiety monster If you are living with anxiety you will know better than anyone how insidious anxiety becomes and the destruction and chaos it brings to your life, if left to its own devices. Sometimes the mere mention of the word anxiety can send you into a full blown panic attack; you live in… Continue Reading

Are your thoughts – Calm or crazy?

Are your thoughts – Calm or crazy?

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch you actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character for it becomes your destiny. Anonymous Watch your thoughts.. How you stride through your day, build and connect with others and relish life and… Continue Reading

Who is stressed out, me?

Who is stressed out, me?

Stop breathe, check in with your mind, body and spirit and take our Pink stress questionnaire. With increasing expectations, workloads and personal commitments it is no wonder these familiar words “I’m so stressed out” are flung around the kitchen, the sandpit and the boardroom by friends, family and colleagues every day. Stress becomes a more… Continue Reading
