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Category Archives: Grief

Healing Heartbreak podcast – Kimberly Wilson TDJ

Healing Heartbreak podcast – Kimberly Wilson TDJ

Healing heartbreak and grief podcast I was honored to be interviewer recently by Kimberly Wilson from Tranquility du Jour. Grief is an opportunity to open your heart. Sit and relax while you listen to the podcast that walks you through some heartfelt strategies on how to transform through your grief. Healing Heartbreak Podcast – Listen… Continue Reading

The Art of Grief Podcast – My Instructional Manual

The Art of Grief Podcast – My Instructional Manual

Grief podcast Find here a podcast on grief that was recorded by Keith at My instructional Manual. Grief is an opportunity to open your heart. Sit and relax while you listen to the podcast that walks you through some heartfelt strategies on how to transform through your grief. The Art of Grief – podcast  … Continue Reading

Grief Podcast – Amanda’s Wellbeing

Grief Podcast – Amanda’s Wellbeing

Grief podcast Here is my latest podcast on grief that was recorded by Amanda’s Well being Podcasts. Grief is an opportunity to open your heart. Sit and relax while you listen to the podcast that walks you through some heartfelt strategies on how to transform through your grief. YouTube Grief Podcast with Lara   Big… Continue Reading

Pet Loss and Grief Podcast – Catexplorer

Pet Loss and Grief Podcast – Catexplorer

Pet loss and grief podcast I was asked recently to record a podcast for Catexplor and I jumped at the chance. The topic is one that is very close to my heart and the topic that is the material for my third book Loss, Love and Lessons: Healing from Pet loss and grief. It reminded… Continue Reading

Grief, Grace and Gratitude Book Launch

Grief, Grace and Gratitude Book Launch

Post launch contemplations! It’s now a few days post launch for Grief, Grace and Gratitude and I am slowly coming down off my book launch high, but am lucky to have many fond memories tugging and circling at my heart. I was honoured to have such beautiful friends and family to celebrate the night with… Continue Reading

The doors of Italy

The doors of Italy

Ciao from Italia. If you have been following my Facebook page you would know I am in Italy. Beautiful, chaotic, loud, busy, divine Italy. I am soaking up the culture and immersing myself in the Italian lifestyle full of charisma, passion and love. It’s fantastic I am getting grounded amidst the ancient ruins and bonding… Continue Reading

Surviving grief

Surviving grief

A tribute to My Dad – Grief, one year past The 16th January is forever marked as a significant date in my world. It is only a number and a month yet this date has seeped deep inside and left profound feeling and meaning attached to it. I now live my life because of this… Continue Reading

Living alone!

Living alone!

Living alone is it really as scary as we all make it out to be, or is it worth embracing rather than avoiding? Maybe life has given you an opportunity to live alone, be it good or bad from your perspective. It is what it is, and if this is your situation it’s worth finding… Continue Reading

Saying goodbye. A milestone after my Dads death.

Saying goodbye. A milestone after my Dads death.

Saying goodbye to dad’s house. I write today’s special blog post with the recent and now familiar feeling of wet tears streaming down my cheeks, underneath my glasses, falling into my lap as I say goodbye to the end of a beautiful era and another milestone in the death of my wonderful, special and loving… Continue Reading

A Furry heartbreak!

A Furry heartbreak!

Love – Loss – Lessons. Losing your furry friend brings intense sadness and grief. If you are a dog lover and have loved and lost a dog you will understand the total unconditional love and joy they bring to your every day and the deep and profound sense of grief, loss and sadness losing them… Continue Reading
