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Category Archives: Purpose

10 tips to reveal life’s little gems!

10 tips to reveal life’s little gems!

Life is jam-packed with shiny, sparkling gems! Their brilliance is amazing and can light up our worlds. They come in many amazing and life changing forms:  profound epiphanies, moments of bliss, special connections with self or others, flashes of clarity, precision with our decisions, problem solving with lucidity or just being in the flow and… Continue Reading

Just PINK it.

Just PINK it.

Just PINK it! Comparable to the famous NIKE tag line “Just do it” I am of a related philosophy, sometimes you need to stop the excruciating thinking and the soul defeating agonising, still the mind, listen to the heart, feel your way and “Just PINK it”. Life is seriously too short to residue in constant… Continue Reading

Flying high on your why?

Flying high on your why?

One of the biggest joys in life is to be living with purpose, passion and fulfillment, creating a life full of richness and abundance. When you have discovered your WHY, a light turns on internally and radiates positive, warm and loving vibrations from the inside out to your loved ones and all those who surround… Continue Reading

3 big questions to move from pain to passion

3 big questions to move from pain to passion

Do you want to move from inner pain to passion? To find that inner freedom accompanied with enthusiasm, excitement and zest for your life? Yes, I hear, yes all over the place. Then I hear, but how? What do I do next? I don’t know what I want to do? These negative connotations only lead… Continue Reading

Three secrets to an extraordinary life.

Three secrets to an extraordinary life.

Are you living an extraordinary life, a life where there is peace, calm and inner contentment? A life where every morning you wake up to greet another day with zest and enthusiasm? A life where you have gently honoured your heartbreaks and grief and moved past the pain to expose the joy on the other… Continue Reading

Finding your life purpose.

Finding your life purpose.

Finding your life purpose, is it really that difficult? Yes, for some it is extremely challenging and becomes an arduous drudge that sends people to living their life in victim land and spiralling further downward each day into a state of uncomfortable comfortableness or a light state of depression, it all gets to hard, they… Continue Reading

Are you living your life purpose?

Are you living your life purpose?

What is your life purpose? Is it clear as mud and painted in hot pink on the forefront of your mind with a plan, roadmap and goals to follow, to take you to that warm and happy place? Probably not. If not, are you hoping and on your knees praying your life purpose will just… Continue Reading

10 Tips to living your best life

10 Tips to living your best life

It’s the year 2016 and we live in a fast paced, impulse driven world and most of us have a craving for instant gratification, often helping to curb the emotions we are trying to numb. We seem to forget the simple things in life like riding our bike around the block or playing charades in… Continue Reading

Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness: Lara’s Book Launch words

Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness: Lara’s Book Launch words

Whilst I was thinking about my blog post this morning, I thought it would be nice to share my words that I spoke at my book launch for Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness last Friday Night. The launch was attended by about 100 beautiful friends and family. Everyone showed enormous support, got in the atmosphere by wearing a splash of pink… Continue Reading

A soulmate workout

A soulmate workout

Do you feel like you are searching for that one workout that you feel really passionate about? The one that has you jumping out of bed to put on your latest pink top. The one that you look forward to attending each and every time. The one that becomes a highlight of your day. The… Continue Reading
