Feeling your feelings is by far one of the quickest ways to move through your pain and suffering and walk straight into healing.
Actually feeling those feelings is probably one of the most difficult traits for us as humans to master.
The positive emotions bring us happiness, love, hope, joy and contentment and are easy to revel in.
The negative emotions bring us grief, sadness, anger, fear, anxiety, frustration and the development of distraction techniques and in the worst case addictions, mental issues and disease. We spend our lives just trying to run away from them, which creates the vicious circle of more unease.
The secret: The more you feel the pain the more you feel the love.
The truth: Most of us know this from a thinking capacity but still find it difficult to master from an emotional perspective.
The question: Do you want to become more disconnected from yourself and suffer more anxiety and negative emotions or would you like to fill your life with love and light?
The answer: Learn how to feel your feelings.
The commitment: Make a promise to yourself to feel and heal.
Feel and heal
When your feelings arise, instead of using your much-loved distraction techniques, try the steps below. This will move the energy through you and allow your feeling to be expressed rather than bottled up with the possibly of causing more discomfort and anxiety.
BE AWARE – Stop, breathe and become aware of what the feeling is.
FEEL – Even if you are unsure what the feeling is, draw your attention to your physical self to notice the sensations you are feeling. What is your body telling you? What does the feeling mean? How are you reacting? What symptoms are you experiencing?
PROCESS – Sit with the emotion in the moment; don’t run, don’t hide, just BE with it, in the now, regardless of how uncomfortable it is. This will help you to process the emotion by letting it flow through you.
EXPRESS – Express it in a healthy fashion. Cry, scream, yell, laugh, jump, curse, whatever you need to do to move the energy and in turn the emotion through you and out of you.
HEAL – Create healing
By following these simple steps listed above you will move through the emotions more quickly and as you move through them you will start to process them and heal.
Naming our feelings – Take the quiz
Before you can go to where you would like to be, you need to find out where you are. Naming your feelings is another helpful tool.
To name them you need to create awareness. So, these lists allow you to take an emotional inventory quiz and pinpoint where you are.
There will be ones that jump right off the page and reveal themselves to you and you can relate to immensely. There will be others that are important but more subtle.
With the negative feelings, take your time and note the sensations of your body as you read through each feeling. You will notice that some words make you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. These may be the ones you want to skip over as they bring difficult emotions to the surface. These however are the ones you really want to highlight.
Experience each feeling in your body as you read its name. Let your body and its sensations tell you what is affecting you most and what is not relevant to you. Trust your body, it never lies. The feelings that are affecting you are the ones you need to work through. The ones you are most scared of could well be the ones you try to ignore and suppress through fear.
What we resist persists, it feeds and grows and works against us until we shine a bright light on it and face the fear head on. Resisting a negative emotion will bring more negativity, so shine the light as bright as you can, feel the fear, face up to all the feelings and move onwards and upwards to an enlightened spiritual journey and awakening.
With the positive feelings revel in the beauty and magic of them, they are truly wonderful.
There is no right or wrong answer or a score at the end of this quiz, it is a tool to create awareness and bring a better understanding to yourself to help you heal./
Negative feeling words
Scared. Angry. Irritated. Wary. Sad. Afraid. Annoyed.
Suspicious. Depressed. Dread Furious. Impatient.
Worried. Sorrowful. Panic. Irate. Frustrated. Frightened.
Melancholy. Foreboding. Livid. Unhappy. Lost. Teary.
Petrified. Outrage. Disgruntled. Puzzled. Hopeless. Fear.
Resentful. Aggravated. confused. Rejected. Stagnant.
Reactive. Toxic. Emotional. Betrayed. inauthentic.
Under expressed. Complex. Abandoned. Scarce. Shaky
Grumpy. Bombarded. Disgraced. At wits end. Terrified.
Enraged. Untrusting. Ambivalent. Distant. Hostile.
Exasperated. Flustered. Disappointed. Withdrawn
Disgusted. Upset. Guilty. Heartbroken. Miserable.
Appalled. Shocked. Ashamed. Grief. Envy. Yearning.
Critical. Apathetic. Crippled. Jealous. Under realised.
Sarcastic. Turbulent. Indifferent. Anxious. Troubled.
Surprised. Embarrassed. Hurt. Restless. Bewildered.
Horrified. Lethargic. Alone. Rattled. Perplexed. Repulsed.
Tired. Numb. In pain. Not interested. Nervous. Burnt out
Bored. Despair. Disturbed. Hated. Exhausted. Aloof.
Worthless. Mortified. Uncomfortable. Empty. Cold.
Regretful. lethargic. Weak. devastated. detached. Chaotic. Heavy
Positive feelings words
Happy. Sassy. Interested. In awe. Concise. Pleased. Cheeky.
Intrigued. Vibrant. Fulfilled. Joyful. Lively. Empowered. Calm.
Optimistic. Delighted. Bold. Radiant. Placated. Full of hope
Excited. Spirited. Sexy. Peaceful. Sparkly. Glad. Blissful.
Amused. Fascinated. Dazzled. Valuable. Exotic. Flourishing.
Creative. Kind. Extravagant. Nourished. Transforming.
Marvellous. Illuminous. Unique. Thriving. Harmonious.
Magnificent. Grand. Abundant. Striving. Lovely. Limitless.
Embraced. Grateful. Warm. Passionate. Curious. Stimulated.
Thankful. Loving. Amazed. Authentic. Included. Moved.
Affectionate. Safe. Blissful. Connected. Inspired. Compassionate.
Tickled pink. Belonging. Appreciative. Ecstatic. Surprised.
Awake. Friendly. Elated. Thrilled/ Energetic. Aware
Nurtured. Pretty. Tranquil. Satisfied. Dynamic. Renewed.
Synchronicity. Diligent. Significant. Desired. Delicious.
Striking. Magical. Growing. Sweet. Fortunate. Serendipitous.
Sincere. Understood. Savvy. Brilliant. Confident. Quiet.
Enthralled. Mellow. Engaged. Relaxed. Proud. Animated.
Soft. Content. Transparent. Open. Absorbed. Enchanted.
Childlike. Centred. Balanced. Eager. Relieved. Healed.
Purposeful. Insightful. Responsible. Powerful. Expressive
Determined. Free. Mature. Wise. Sensitive. Introspective.
Honest. Integrity. Caring. Light. Enlightened. Accomplished.
Clarity. Acceptance. Serene. Smiley
Honour and appreciate each and every feeling that is held within you.
Experience your inner world
Know that to experience all these emotions you are human. It’s part of the human experience.
So it is not the goal to stop these emotions from occurring or run from them but actually to accept them, experience them and know how to deal with them and how you can benefit from the experience.
Revel in the positive ones and allow the negative ones be your teacher and guide you on your journey to a new and more awakened you.
Big Pink love Lara and the two gorgeous fur children xx
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