Fifty Fabulous tips for turning fifty!

We all only turn 50 once. It’s half a century, a big number and a big deal.

Turning 50, you have a choice!

You can choose to mope and be sad and sorry for yourself as you get older OR you can feel the love, appreciate your life and be grateful for your world and all the exciting things yet to come.Delicious diamonds on turning 50

I chose the second option! You can read all about my 50th HERE.

It is a chance for a party, an outrageous celebration and an opportunity to dream about the letter you will receive from the Queen in another 50 years, (If you make it).

Your soul is also thrilled as it gives you an opportunity for reflection, pondering and epiphanies. It provides a time to look at your last 50 and plan your next 50.

You get to laugh at all the hilarious ridiculous things you did, bad clothes and hairstyles you wore.

But, more seriously you get to look at how you behaved, what you learnt and who you have grown into.

You may still want to tweak a few things to ride out your next 50 in a smooth gracious easy going elegant knowing style, and that’s ok, its fun to keep learning it keeps us stimulated.

To plan for the future it’s always good to reflect on the past, it helps you to walk into the future knowing what you honour, cherish and treasure.

For me, these are my 50 things I plan to honour and live more in alignment with in the years to come.q-dont-forget

I didn’t have to think hard to come up with these they are kind of embedded in my heart from the 50 years of footsteps I have taken. For me, they have morphed and made an up-front appearance in my life really strongly over the last few years. I couldn’t have sprouted them in my 20’s I was to busy partying and I am sure they will be different in my 90’s. But this is what they are today. And today is really all that matters, isn’t it!

Alongside, more parties, fancy shoes, pink handbags and hilarious coffee dates with friends. Of course!

1 – 50 Fabulous fifty tips!

  1. Do what YOU want to do
  2. Say YES when you want and NO when you want
  3. Listen to what your body wants and needs
  4. Be gentle and kind to yourself
  5. Surround yourself with the ones that bring out the best in you
  6. Don’t take life so seriously
  7. Find your silly side and let her loose
  8. Distance yourself from the drama
  9. Stop worrying about what others think
  10. Reduce the crappy food and increase the healthy alternatives
  11. Realise its more about how you feel than what you put in your mouth
  12. Hydrate with lots of water
  13. Allow at least 30 mins each day for reflection, meditation, yoga, YOU time
  14. Take an afternoon nap
  15. Go to bed before 10
  16. Learn to love the wrinkles and the cellulite
  17. Buy the extra pair of shoes
  18. Be less busy and more loving
  19. Enjoy the long walks in the sun
  20. Sit outside and eat lunch
  21. Spend time with the dogs
  22. If you are later for an appointment say “So what”
  23. Sleep in
  24. Feel the sun on your face
  25. Watch Your favourite show in the middle of the day
  26. Smell the Jasmine
  27. Be ridiculous
  28. Paint your house the colour YOU want
  29. Cook up delectable healthy meals
  30. Book the trip you have dreamed about
  31. Conjure up your pink bucket list and do it
  32. Adorn your house with flowers
  33. Meet new and inspirational people
  34. Read uplifting and motivational books
  35. Listen to your favourite song over and over
  36. Tell your loved ones what they mean to you
  37. Chase your dreams
  38. Never ever give up
  39. Problem solve the problems you encounter
  40. Feel and appreciate the good
  41. Feel and learn from the not so good
  42. Trust your intuition 110%
  43. Believe in the signs that are sent your way
  44. Honour, remember and pay tribute to your loved ones that have passed
  45. Say “I love me” to yourself
  46. Shower your love all over your furry children
  47. Be an advocate for all the animals in the entire world
  48. Be YOU
  49. Say “Buon appetitio” before each meal!
  50. Totally fall in absolute LOVE with yourself and your life.

I wish for you and me to live with LOVE – TRUTH – PURPOSE all the way to 100!

blue-swirl-Life in the Pink

Big Pink love Lara and the two gorgeous fur children, Suzy and Chelsea xx


Visit this link to buy my book Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness – Flourishing after a Heartbreak


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