Here are two simplistic, yet very powerful words that if used more regularly with authenticity have the ability to alter your life.
In our fast paced, busy world packed full of activities, lists, commitments and dramas it’s no wonder our stress levels have hit the ceiling and the number of people on anti-depressant medication, simply to make it through the day, has doubled in the last decade.
So many people say life wasn’t meant to be easy. I tend to disagree to a certain extent.
Yes, we are often faced with world terror and tragedy in our own backyards and these events are out of our control. With these issues we can, unfortunately, only move through our grief in our own time and look after ourselves and our vulnerabilities with love and grace internally till we find a more peaceful place inside.
However, we do have a choice about the smaller things. The things we can make a difference about.
We can reduce our stress and make life simpler for ourselves simply by living up to our authentic selves in our basic daily life.
We can decrease the drama in our lives simply by listening instead of distracting ourselves from our authentic voices inside. The quiet peaceful voices inside have a simple goal of wanting to create peace and calm into your existence. Yet, they are downplayed and ignored often.
Do I…..?
Do I go to the gym today? Do I go to dinner with my friends tonight when I feel so tired? Do I resign from my job? Do I finish my to do list today? Do I get my house clean today? Do I say something to that person who upset me? Do I say no? Do I set some boundaries? Plus many many more.
So many questions and stresses we place on our mind, bodies and spirit and when we don’t listen they scream louder and louder in the way of anxiety, depression and disease until we stop, often hit rock bottom and start to take note.
No wonder we look for reprieve and peace at every opportunity. Anything to get away from what we are feeling or the choices we have to make.
Things are really not meant to be as stressful as we can make them. The things we can control need not stress us.
Your inner wisdom
Does she always know best? She certainly does.
Find her, meet her, befriend her, love and trust her, incorporate her into your life and I promise you your life as you know it will be transformed. Your struggles and indecision will slowly fade away and the trust and belief you have in your self will grow exponentially.
The trick is just learning how to listen for her, to learn how to shush Lady Chitter Chatter (Your inner negative voice also called your ego) for a minute and hush the constant inner chaos and pandemonium enabling her shine through brightly.
Until you are ready to access her she will remain in the distant background, trying gently to nudge you towards calm and peace.
Your Inner Pink Star is the quiet and calm voice, she is the words, thoughts and feelings that are housed deep in your soul. She is your internal creativity and inner power and strength.
She is the gateway to your happiness, love, calm, peace and serenity, because she always knows what is best for you.
There is no pretence and no life charades. She does not judge or put you in harm’s way. She is your authentic voice of your truth and inner wisdom.
Unfortunately she gets buried under layers and layers of life, past experiences, expectations, others thoughts and feelings.
She gets bogged down by our Lady Chitter Chatter, the loud and arrogant negative voice inside us that berates and criticises.
Practice saying “Say I choose before proceeding.”
I choose before standing at the fridge to feel healthy or I choose to eat junk food and feel ordinary.
I choose to be angry or I choose to be happy and content.
I choose to have drama in my life or I choose to walk away and feel the freedom and peace.
I choose to exercise for health and wellness or I choose to be a constant couch potato.
I choose to follow my inner wisdom and knowing’s or I choose to shut her down and live with the anxiety.
I choose to live an authentic self and be true to me or I choose to live a false imposter type of life.
I choose to unearth and live my life calling and purpose or I choose to remain in my uncomfortable comfort zone.
Two words
Two powerful words to achieve a better life and life balance.
Choose from the wise inner place that knows what is best for you.
Choose with a kind and self loving focus on what will make you love yourself more.
Choose with kindness and compassion for self.
How do I find my inner wisdom so I can choose well?
- Close your eyes
- Be still
- Be patient
- Be calm
- Be silent
- Be in the present moment
- Stop pushing, rushing and worrying
- Let your thoughts rest – don’t attach
- Surrender and let go
- Go deep inside
- Ask a question that is on your mind
- Pay attention
- Listen to your body and notice your feelings
- You will find her, she is your voice of calm
- She holds deep all the answers to all your questions and fears
- Trust the peace and the calm
How do I recognise her?
It is simple, when you have found her your decisions will make you feel:
- Excited
- Energised
- Loved
- Light
- Peaceful
- Connected to the universe
- Calm
- Serene
- A sense of internal honour
- A feeling that you know it is right
The simple equation is:
Your Inner star + the words “I Choose” = A simpler and more peaceful and authentic life.
Go ahead, give it a go. See if you can transform your life with a few simple words and your beautiful inner wisdom!
Big Pink love Lara and the two gorgeous fur children xx
Visit this link to buy my book Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness – Flourishing after a Heartbreak
Saying goodbye A milestone after my Dads death
4 tips to instantly reduce your anxiety
Are you living your life purpose?
10 Secrets from Lady Chitter Chatter (Inner critic)
My inner wisdom, does she always know best?