Just PINK it.

Just PINK it!

Comparable to the famous NIKE tag line “Just do it” I am of a related philosophy, sometimes you need to stop the excruciating thinking and the soul defeating agonising, still the mind, listen to the heart, feel your way and “Just PINK it”.

Life is seriously too short to residue in constant ambiguity and indecision, life was made to be lived to cherish the moments, stride out of our comfort zones with grace, confidence and just a little bit of fear added to the mix.

Now, I’m not saying to go and do things that are not in alignment with your true self. No.

I am saying listen to your true self, be sensible and then trust your higher self and move towards that alignment for your expansion and growth.

My sabbatical Year

This year I had to say to myself Lara, “Just PINK it” and this is my story!

With only five months till I turn the big 50, I decided now was the time to turn my life around and upside down once again. I made a choice, and my choice entails stepping up to myself, being quiet, listening and living up to my internal wishes and desires.

I am allowing my heart to take the lead and usher me to my new path and my continued calling. So I resigned from my role at the vet clinic and am officially on my year sabbatical that will be ensconced with Yoga teacher training, a soul enriching trip to Italy, more dedicated time for Life in the PINK and another book to birth.

Sitting in Noosa earlier in the year overlooking the sea and contemplating life, I knew my heart and soul was in unrest and turmoil. It was one year since my beautiful Dad passed away. One year of grief, emotions, paperwork and intense soul shattering loss.

In Noosa I let my emotions swirl around as I sat in the sun, the unease and the unrest. I was unsure exactly what my heart yearned for, but, I sensed there were going to be big changes this upcoming year.

I had sat in stillness through the first year of my grief allowing it to be processed and made no big decisions. But right on the year mark this internal unrest nearly bowled me over alerting me to its sudden urgency. It was a physical sense of being pushed to a new place, an internal force beckoning from within energy willing to come alive and released into my new life. I was being impelled to listen and act emotionally, mentally and physically. Who was I to ignore its truth!

A few weeks after my return to work it was like this knowing came over me that enabled me to know with absolute certainty it was time to say goodbye to my role and move forwards into the scary yet intoxicating unknown. Many times in the past I have stayed in a situation knowing it was past its expiry date, sometimes way past, this time I listened and left in a happily timely fashion.

Unsure yet exactly what this new place and destination will look like, but following my heart feels right, it feels awakening, I feel like I have been lit up. I feel I have lots to do and lots to see. I am excited, yet house and internal ambience of calm, feeling settled and forever seeking. I feel I have a calling to answer to and the time to honour that calling and honour myself is now. I feel like I am coming home to myself.

It was not that I was unhappy in my previous role, I loved working at the vet clinic, I loved the animals, I loved the staff. But something inside was telling me it was time to move on. It was time to start a new journey.

Goodbyes are hard, sad and difficult but I couldn’t let the raw emotion of saying goodbye to my job and the end of an era stop me from following my heart’s desire.

I listened, I trusted.! And so the journey begins.

I look forward to a beautiful, rich and delightful experiences that will bring depths of wisdom enhancing my inner peace, contentment, spiritual journey and happiness.

I am proud knowing that I trusted myself, I knew what I needed to do and then I actually went through with it. I accepted my ego and its negative chitter chatter  that certainly amped up over this decision but I didn’t let the fear stop me from trusting my heart, following my calling and continuing to live my dream and my one and only life.

Choose to listen

It is the yearning that we choose to ignore that creates pain and suffering for the soul and starts to create an inner dullness. Listening to our soul and following its path constructs a life of authenticity, richness and joy. The opposite creates a gloomy existence and keeps us more stuck in our rut.

Adding some new things brings joy back to our lives, small steps turn into big steps and big steps lead us to follow our really big dreams and desires that are there waiting silently for us underneath all the chaos and fear.

How to listen and flush out the true nature of the yearning

You may not feel a yearning instead only dullness, maybe despair.

Trust me, the yearning is there it is just hidden by the layers of life and the minds games and turmoil.

Try it, this could be your one new thing just to start. Sit still, be quiet, allow the mind to settle, don’t attach to the thoughts and see what presents itself.

Meditate! Practice! Meditate! And meditate again!

Stop reading, searching, overanalysing, talking, questioning INSTEAD seek silence,

In a deep state all you need will be presented to you.

Simple as that really..!

The “Just PINK it” recipe: Just add and mix together

  • Some excitable energy
  • A little fear
  • A heart felt direction
  • A sensible outlook
  • A calm inner knowing
  • Authenticity to self
  • Kindness to self
  • Focuses on what can be done instead of what can’t
  • Time out to sit still with yourself
  • Meditation

This recipe is free of:

  • Inner negative chitter chatter
  • Constant over analytical thoughts
  • Other opinions and judgements
  • Staying in a comfortable rut
  • Despair, dullness, turmoil, angst

This recipe creates a life of:

  • A simpler yet fulfilled life
  • Richness and Fullness
  • Joy and contentment
  • An inner bliss
  • Radiating calmness and confidence
  • Expansion of self

In addition to my sabbatical year which has just started, I am also studying Italian, learning how to make candles, starting Golf again, immersing myself in sound bath meditations, gong baths, chanting and just basically trying lots of new things and immersing myself in where my heart leads me. Basically I’m Just Pinking it all over the place.

Every human has a right to know themselves and live the fullest life possible, sometimes we just need to give our human being and its existance a little guidance and assistance to reach this space.

So, I wish and hope you can “Just PINK it” and grow into the life that is awaiting you!

blue-swirl-Life in the Pink

Big Pink love Lara and the two gorgeous fur children, Suzy and Chelsea xx


Visit this link to buy my book Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness – Flourishing after a Heartbreak


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