Do you feel like you are searching for that one workout that you feel really passionate about?
- The one that has you jumping out of bed to put on your latest pink top.
- The one that you look forward to attending each and every time.
- The one that becomes a highlight of your day.
- The one you sell to your friends and hope they will come along.
- The one that leaves you feeling puffed yet peaceful.
- The one you prioritise into your day.
- The one that takes you out of your head and into your body.
- The one that has effects that linger through your whole day.
- The one that tones and sculptures your muscles and tushy
You are not alone, it can take forever to find your soulmate workout swinging from gym memberships, running clubs, step classes and lycra, nursing injuries, whilst Lady Chitter Chatter counts down the minutes in your head till the session ends. Reminding yourself to dread the next session, but knowing you will or at least should attend anyway.
Then you find it, you feel it and you know this is what you will love forever. It feels just perfect for your mind, body and soul. It no longer feels like a daily slog to bend over and tie up your sandshoes.
No longer do you need to wish your way to the end of the class but instead, you find yourself in the moment, enjoying the feelings that your body experiences. You leave feeling lighter and brighter with every breath, a spring in your step, with an aliveness and passion that lights you up internally.
I find exercise similar to boyfriends and careers, we spend time trolling though different options and varieties, weighing up the positives and negatives, often complaining and trudging through, until we find the place we connect and feel a sense of belonging. Until we find our tribe, our soulmate workout.
A process of elimination and injuries
It is often a process of elimination before you find your tribe. I got out there and tried lots of different things. I was seeking the one. I knew I’d know what it was when I found it. It just took a long time, lots of money, injuries and frustrations. Many options were passed over or made me nearly pass out.
The $1000 gym member ship that I thought I would commit to for the whole year, yet it got shoved aside after 2 months, feeling bored, overcrowded and frustrated.
The ankle injury I sustained after a 12km run due to lack of training, putting me out of all my beautiful high heels for 12 months.
The shoulder bursitis I acquired after taking up weights, and trying to keep up with all the body builders in the mirrored weights area.
The new pink expensive road bike that I purchased that sits in the garage with a flat tyre as the roads, the big trucks and hearing about accidents become a little scary. Plus I found lycra quite unappealing.
In my case, the injuries may be because I start things off and throw myself into them, rather than easing myself in gently, (A lesson in self love in the making) or it may be just that I am getting older.
But the point is that my exercise tribe and soulmate workout, remained elusive for many years. But on the path to find it I continued with eagerness.
Finally, YAY..
Finally, I threw the sandshoes away (Except for when I walk my precious adorable fur children), rolled out a pink squidgy mat and found Pilates. Gentle on the body, lengthening and strengthening, nurturing to the soul with beautiful hot herbal tea served on completion of the class.
It healed all my injuries and calmed my mind. It became my safe haven and safe place. My tribe and soul mate workout had been found.
I loved it so much I myself studied and became a Pilates instructor, deepening my practice and gaining the ability to help and teach others.
My lovely pink and green safe place studio was only five minutes from my home, unfortunately three years later when I moved it became a thirty minute drive. This is when I questioned my ability to sustain this practice 4 – 5 times per week. For about 12 months I loyally traipsed across town to attend my classes, then my commitment waned.
Hot Yoga and Pilates – opening soon.
Appeared on a sign outside the local shops 300 metres from my house shortly afterwards. I could not believe it. Not only could I continue my Pilates practice but I could also incorporate Yoga and its spiritual elements which I had been looking to add to my practise. Plus it was a beautiful boutique studio and the minute I walked in I felt that sense of belonging and connection. I had again found my tribe and soulmate workout.
I was excited, I was drawn to again connecting with my workout and making a commitment to myself and my mind and body.
So one week down, on an unlimited monthly membership, I feel lengthened, strengthened, calmer, more toned and hopeful of another long soulmate relationship beginning.
I just knew it, I felt it. We had found each other. It was beautiful.
Don’t Give up. EVER
Don’t give up, keep trying new things.
For you, it may not be getting sweaty and all twisted and tanged up on a yoga mat, it may be something totally different.
But find what works for you, get out there, experience everything. There is something for everyone it’s just a matter of moving out of your comfort zone and finding it. It will grow your confidence, your topics of conversation and your experiences.
Plus, when you find THE ONE, you will be so enthused and that moment alone is worth all the arduous effort it took you to get there, and you will be rewarded with a future of joint happiness and health.