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Tag Archives: Authenticity

10 tips to reveal life’s little gems!

10 tips to reveal life’s little gems!

Life is jam-packed with shiny, sparkling gems! Their brilliance is amazing and can light up our worlds. They come in many amazing and life changing forms:  profound epiphanies, moments of bliss, special connections with self or others, flashes of clarity, precision with our decisions, problem solving with lucidity or just being in the flow and… Continue Reading

Just PINK it.

Just PINK it.

Just PINK it! Comparable to the famous NIKE tag line “Just do it” I am of a related philosophy, sometimes you need to stop the excruciating thinking and the soul defeating agonising, still the mind, listen to the heart, feel your way and “Just PINK it”. Life is seriously too short to residue in constant… Continue Reading

I choose…..

I choose…..

Here are two simplistic, yet very powerful words that if used more regularly with authenticity have the ability to alter your life. In our fast paced, busy world packed full of activities, lists, commitments  and dramas it’s no wonder our stress levels have hit the ceiling and the number of people on anti-depressant medication, simply… Continue Reading

Heeding your heart’s voice

Heeding your heart’s voice

Following your heart makes life rich, full, enjoyable and fulfilling. This joyous feeling then spills out to the loved ones around us and compliments our behaviours and our relationships. However, despite knowing this in theory, applying this in our real world becomes a difficulty for many. Trudging to our office jobs waiting for our long… Continue Reading

Flying high on your why?

Flying high on your why?

One of the biggest joys in life is to be living with purpose, passion and fulfillment, creating a life full of richness and abundance. When you have discovered your WHY, a light turns on internally and radiates positive, warm and loving vibrations from the inside out to your loved ones and all those who surround… Continue Reading

Strutting into 2017 with epiphanies galore

Strutting into 2017 with epiphanies galore

As Katy Perry and Lady Gaga were bellowing out from the sound system last night, and between the hullabaloo, noise and dancing girls, I found space to reflect internally on my year of 2016. My initial thoughts were telling me this was the worst year ever, my Dad had passed away. I kind of felt… Continue Reading

Three secrets to an extraordinary life.

Three secrets to an extraordinary life.

Are you living an extraordinary life, a life where there is peace, calm and inner contentment? A life where every morning you wake up to greet another day with zest and enthusiasm? A life where you have gently honoured your heartbreaks and grief and moved past the pain to expose the joy on the other… Continue Reading

Feelings, to face or to avoid?

Feelings, to face or to avoid?

Every day I am presented with reinforcement from top notch authors and gurus around the world, of the small and obvious, yet distressing truth. The only way to truly find peace, joy and inner contentment is to walk through the middle of your pain, feel your icky feelings, express and process them. Too often however… Continue Reading

One big lesson from The Sound of Music

One big lesson from The Sound of Music

Roll out the red carpet for The Sound of Music and the one big lesson on authenticity it gave me. A long-time favourite of many, an original Broadway production that opened in 1959 and it’s still winning hearts and accolades all over the world in 2016. Arrival Yesterday after months of waiting I arrived at… Continue Reading
