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Tag Archives: fear

Just PINK it.

Just PINK it.

Just PINK it! Comparable to the famous NIKE tag line “Just do it” I am of a related philosophy, sometimes you need to stop the excruciating thinking and the soul defeating agonising, still the mind, listen to the heart, feel your way and “Just PINK it”. Life is seriously too short to residue in constant… Continue Reading

Decisions from the heart

Decisions from the heart

Following our heart straight to the right decision fills us with a warm fuzziness of knowingness, a deep inner knowing that makes us feel safe, comforted and at home in ourselves.. A decision make with the heart finds that peace and contentedness we elusively seek and sees it glimmering in our heart allowing our decision… Continue Reading

Heeding your heart’s voice

Heeding your heart’s voice

Following your heart makes life rich, full, enjoyable and fulfilling. This joyous feeling then spills out to the loved ones around us and compliments our behaviours and our relationships. However, despite knowing this in theory, applying this in our real world becomes a difficulty for many. Trudging to our office jobs waiting for our long… Continue Reading

Coping in a harsh world

Coping in a harsh world

Whilst appreciating and revelling in the love and beauty in our world I still often find myself contemplating how to live with the chaos and destruction that prevails. I flounder between love and despair. I read and research then try to find any small strategy or epiphany that will prevent me falling into hopeless tears… Continue Reading

A Choice. Leave it. Change it or Accept it.

A Choice. Leave it. Change it or Accept it.

Choices, choices, choices. Every day we are faced with on average 35,000 choices and decisions to make in our lives. The choices we make can either lead us to a road of fulfilment, passion and pleasure or pain, annoyance and frustration. It is imperative then that we make the right choice, at the right time… Continue Reading

The big anxiety buster

The big anxiety buster

Looking to reduce your anxiety, start with the one big anxiety buster and move towards a happier life. Most of the theorists scribe that anxiety is one of the main basic emotions, So, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes you, unfortunately it is here to stay, it is part of the spectrum of human emotions… Continue Reading

Living alone!

Living alone!

Living alone is it really as scary as we all make it out to be, or is it worth embracing rather than avoiding? Maybe life has given you an opportunity to live alone, be it good or bad from your perspective. It is what it is, and if this is your situation it’s worth finding… Continue Reading

Feelings, to face or to avoid?

Feelings, to face or to avoid?

Every day I am presented with reinforcement from top notch authors and gurus around the world, of the small and obvious, yet distressing truth. The only way to truly find peace, joy and inner contentment is to walk through the middle of your pain, feel your icky feelings, express and process them. Too often however… Continue Reading

4 Tips to instantly reduce your anxiety

4 Tips to instantly reduce your anxiety

The anxiety monster If you are living with anxiety you will know better than anyone how insidious anxiety becomes and the destruction and chaos it brings to your life, if left to its own devices. Sometimes the mere mention of the word anxiety can send you into a full blown panic attack; you live in… Continue Reading

Are your thoughts – Calm or crazy?

Are your thoughts – Calm or crazy?

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch you actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character for it becomes your destiny. Anonymous Watch your thoughts.. How you stride through your day, build and connect with others and relish life and… Continue Reading

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