The spine
Movement stimulates the process of imbibition by compressing and releasing the discs. Movement in all planes – backbends, forward bends, side bends and twists maintain its flexibility and mobility. Joints also require space and lubrication to function correctly
Why do we elongate the spine?
To use correct muscles on the twists
For flow of prana/ energy as nerves are in the spinal cord
To bring the spine into maximum vertical alignment while integrating all the spinal curves
To stretch and strengthen the muscles that feed the arms and legs to the spine
To keep the spine healthy, strengthened, lengthened and balanced
To create space in the spine
Why create space in the spine?
Space within the spinal column is important for movement, health, ease and for the life sustaining action of the central nervous system. If the spaces between the vertebrae diminish the nerves can be painfully pinched causing disruption in the communication between the Central Nervous System/CNR and the other organs and muscles of the body. If we backbend without elongating the spine we can crush the bones.If we compress through sitting, standing and poor movement habits we place to much strain on one part of the spine which can lead to a disc tear or herniation. Also to prevent compression of the spine and to keep the spine happy and healthy.
You may like to get our your nanna’s pearls (Like I did) and check out the spaces and the knots. Maybe place them on your yoga mat as you remember to always create awareness, space and love around your spine!
Till next time.
Dance in the peace and bask in the bliss… Pink love and light
Lara and the gorgeous Miss Suzy and Princess Chelsea
My books
Free chapter of Grief, Grace and Gratitude HERE
Free chapter of Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness HERE
Grief, Grace and Gratitude book launch
Saying goodbye A milestone after my Dads death
4 tips to instantly reduce your anxiety
Are you living your life purpose?
10 Secrets from Lady Chitter Chatter (Inner critic)
My inner wisdom, does she always know best?
100 Secrets to a Life in the Pink