Welcoming 2019 with Yoga in the PINK!
The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.
–B.K.S Iyengar
Namaste. (I bow to you – I acknowledge that the light in my heart and the light in your heart are the same)
Welcome to the new year and a chance to start a fresh with new intentions/sankalpas to extend you forward physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually into your hopes and dreams and your bright and exciting future.
Anything is possible if you deem it to be so!
Take a minute to go inside and find what you heart is seeking, listen to the whisper of the soul, sit quietly to reflect and contemplate. What is the burning desire that is lying deep inside waiting to be discovered to take your life to a new level?
Maybe it’s conquering a new pose/asana like Bakasana/Crow in your yoga practice, maybe it’s moving out of your comfort zone in your career to a new and exciting position, maybe it’s speaking up and stating your mind, maybe it’s as simple as saying no when you mean no or walking every day. Listen for that yearning inside that is buzzing away and note the warm and fuzzy heart sensations that arise when you are close to finding it.
We are such complicated beings that come with so much human condition starting from birth. We enter this world as a perfect specimen totally in love with ourselves and our world. However, somewhere along the way we begin to change ourselves to please others, gain love and avoid rejection. In the process we lose the connection to our heart and soul. Sometimes we just feel a little disconnection others times we are thrown into deep depression or anxiety and desperately seek our way home.
Instead of trying to madly change yourself the secret is to just be yourself. You are perfect just the way you are, it’s just coming back to that space. We can do that through LOVE – TRUTH – PURPOSE.
Let Yoga guide you to reunite and connect to your heart space, to create a union of body, mind and soul where once again you can discover your authentic self. The happy, pure and non judgemental part of you that is built of love. Then you will realise that it’s not about bending yourself into a pretzel to please others. Instead act in ways that are only in alignment with your heart but remember to respect others and always practice ahimsa/non violence/kindness.
Let all the drama fall away, allow the mind to settle, stop the stress, believe in yourself, make a different decision, begin to surrender/love, accept and appreciate, slow down, show gratitude and just breathe.
Then notice, observe, pay attention to what is happening inside. You may notice a few moments between the chaos that feel light and free. Then maybe you feel a few more and as time goes on these moments of bliss may become more familiar. Before long you are experiencing them regularly. Big things start to happen at this level. Just wait and see!
For now just keep practising, don’t judge, don’t attach, just practice. It’s constant and consistent practice that makes the difference. Try to practice if only for a few minutes each day maybe in the morning stretch the body and still the mind before you begin the day. You don’t have to do a full blown hour practice every day just move and connect. Maybe you don’t feel like it but do it anyway, you will be rewarded in the long term. Elton John and Andrea Bocelli only became so beautiful and graceful and amazing with their crafts through practice and more practice and living their dream, I bet they don’t feel like doing it everyday either.
Anything is possible when we act from our pure selves. Life become more beautiful and full of grace, elegance and immersed with LOVE. So let’s Live a life in the PINK.
Dance in the peace and bask in the bliss…Pink love and light………
Lara and the gorgeous Suzy and Miss Chelsea
Free chapter of Grief, Grace and Gratitude HERE
Free chapter of Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness HERE
Grief, Grace and Gratitude book launch
Yoga in the PINK welcomes 2019
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